Price list
Below are the prices for our rosette corner blocks and plinths. The listed prices are for our standard block sizes. If you would prefer a different dimension other than what is offered, just use the next price higher for in-between block sizes. (i.e. a pine block 1 1/8" X 4" is $3.10 you need a block 1 1/8" X 4 1/4" use the price for 1 1/8" X 4 1/2" which is $ 3.35.)
We can also mill your blocks to a different thickness(at no extra charge). The available thickness for the 3/4" inch dimensions are 5/8" through to 7/8" thick, and for the 1 1/8" size range it is 15/16" through 1 1/8". Make sure you list these custom sizes in the appropriate box on the order form, also use the ID# closest to your desired block dimension.
The Price Tables below are for Pine, Red Oak, Maple, and Cherry, for all other woods please contact Harttwood for pricing.

Pine Corner Blocks
Red Oak Corner Blocks
Maple Corner Blocks
Cherry Corner Blocks
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